Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Finally it is the first week of school! Monday I had Natural Law which is a philosophy class, Tuesday I had Australian Cinema which is exactly as it sounds, Wednesday I had Medieval Christian and Tradition, today I have my culture class with my prof from CSB/SJU, and tomorrow I have Australian history. So far my classes have been alright. I am not liking my Theology class very much, it seems like it is going to be a lot of work. I like my philosophy class more than I thought I was going to! I am the only foreign exchange student in that class, opposed to all my other classes, so I was really nervious. Ultimately, I think that is going to be one of my favorite classes. It looks as though this semester is going to be tougher than I expected. I dislike oral speaches(hence me being a math major), and in every single one of my classes I have to give a oral presentation at some point this year. Ohh man, this semester is going to be an interesting one.

The temperature has cooled down a bit. I think it is about 90's today. It's insane to me that 90 outside feels cool! I guess I am growing accustom to this extreme heat. I don't have class until 5:30 tonight, so I am headed to the beach. Rough life when I am about 500 steps away from a beach I can go to every day.     It feels nice to settle down and get into a routine finally. We find out tomorrow when we are going to go to Broome and about all of our excursions for the rest of our stay here. Monday is labor day for Australians, or i sould say laboUr day, so we have a 3 day weekend. NICE. Saturday we may go into Perth for some shopping or go watch a Foote game at the stadium. Foote is huge here! it is Australian style football. I am going to try and get on a team here and play some foote in the next week. Life is gooood.


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