Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reality check

The beach that is a block away from my dorm is Bathers Beach and there is a path connecting Bathers beach to a larger beach down the shore called South Beach. It is about 1.5 miles away. I went for a good run along the path tonight to South beach and then back. It was actually a perfect night for a run. You have to run either in the early morning or once the sun goes down because otherwise it is just too hot. After my run I walked the beach and just sat staring out into the ocean. It is still weird to think that I am staring out into the Indian Ocean and I am in Australia. I try to put it into my mind that I am really in Australia, but it is hard to put it into perspective to the world. I got this same feeling in my Australian history class the other day when a map of the world flashed across the slide show and my prof was pointing out places around us on the map that we should visit. It is hard to put reality into my mind that I can just go for a run on a path along the Indian Ocean. Besides this random/weird train of thought going on in my mind, nothing big is going on here. We are starting to plan out our spring break and study breaks. We are planning on either renting RV's and traveling up the west coast, or renting van's and camping up the West coast for spring break. Then for study break, we are planning on looking into going to Bali. We heard it is comparable to Cancun. We don't have anything set in stone yet except for our Broome trip which is going to be April 6th-11th. I am really looking forward to that. This saturday, we are heading to a petting zoo where we will get to pet and hold koalas and kangaroos. This should be a good time. 

School has been just as demanding as back home. Even though we only have one of each class each week, we have double the homework each week, which is bad for procrastinators like myself. It is very weird not doing math problems, but I think I actually prefer math problems over all this boring reading I have to do. I dropped my Medieval Theology class and picked up moral philosophy. This was definitely a good choice. My moral Theology class was insanely boring. Nothing against Theology, it was just the kind of theology I was doing. 

I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but I have finally been able to sleep in since I left the states. I had been waking up at around 8am-9am every morning, and for those of you that know me would find this insane for me. Now I am able to sleep in until at least 10:30. I think because I have been getting into a routine and it has cooled off at a bit. That's about it for now, I do have some photos to share.

cooking for the community dinner
The first batch didn't turn out how we wanted
The noose from the prison
The doors that opened below the noose
The inmates were allowed to paint their cells 
More paintings in the cells

A dad's message written on the wall of his cell to his children: "Julie, Megan, & Todd, I love you more than life itself. Love, Dad"
Us ladies watching the sunset
The gorgeous sunst

First day of school
Being excited about UNDA
Some of the ladies on the trip


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