Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prison Break

This past week we took a field trip to the local Freo prison. No prisoners have been there for 20 years so they have opened it up to tourism. It was actually really cool walking through the prison. They shut down the prison 20 years ago because it was know to be a really cruel prison. 43 men and 1 woman died in the prison, they were hung for the bad deeds they did. The woman was hung because she filled her three kid's mouths with acid. We saw the room where they hung the people and the noose was still there too. It was actually kind of spooky being in the same room that 44 people were hung. The tour guide told us a bunch of spooky stories that happened to him while giving the night tour. One was, he was giving a tour of a group of people and a mother was on it with her 3 year old daughter. When they were in the room with the noose, the 3 year old daughter was staring at the noose the whole time and as they were turning around to leave, the daughter waved by to the noose and the empty chair sitting in the room. He said he got a shiver down his back and quickly walked out of there. I was actually hoping the prison tour was a lot more spooky then it was. Nothing else exciting has been going on. Just the beach, hanging out, and school. Just living the life in Australia:)


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