Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Freo Doctor.

This week has been mid 80's and has felt amazing. My AU history prof said that we are witnessing the hottest summer in the history of Fremantle/Perth. The seabreeze that rolls in at night is called the Freo Doctor and he has finally made an appearance. Since we have been here, the Freo Doctor has not showed up and Perth is supposed to be the windiest city in the world. The weather now almost feels cold since I have been used to the 105 degree heat. My RS Nick told us that it usually cools off like this and then goes right back to being extremely hot. He said that March is usually the hottest Month and if it is anything like February, I don't think it can get much hotter.

We have been keeping busy. A few days ago, we met some British friends. They are here because they are teaching kite surfing and Freo is the best city for kite surfing because of how windy it gets. They have been here for about 4 months already and know the ropes around Freo, so they took us cliff diving the other day and it was awesome. The cliffs were like 10m high and really scary. (I have been trying to get used to this whole talking in meters and using the metric system.) We had to basically rock climb to get back up the cliff to jump off it again. That day was a lot of fun. It is really fun hanging out with the British people because we make fun of each others accents constantly. They constantly say 'Do you recon' or something to thay affect and they make fun of the lingo we always use. It is quite entertaining.

We went shopping in Perth on Saturday and it was EXTREMELY busy. There were so many people walking around, and it's different that everyone around here uses public trasportation. I don't see a ton of cars around here like I do at home. Everything is within walking distance or a trainride away. There is also a local bus around town called the Cat bus that is free and takes us around Fremantle. We usually get on that bus to take it down to South Beach.

Today is Labor day, or I should say LaboUr day, so I have school off. I am going to head to the beach to catch some prime sun and then hit the books for some homework. Since I am not taking any math classes, it is wierd having classes that I have constant readings for like Philosophy, theology, history, culture, and cinema instead of constantly doing math problems. I think I prefer math problems over all of this boring reading! I guess I'll take what I get.


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