Sunday, June 5, 2011


After no sleep and another 2 hour plane ride, we finally made it! We left our place at 5:30 pm yesterday and got here at 9:30 am this morning with very little sleep on the various air places. The hotel is unbelievable! We are staying at the Mariott off the ocean and even got 'layed' once we got here. Pictures to follow soon. Holy tamole this place is sweet. AHHH goodness. Loving this country so far. Interesting to say the least, but lovin it. Every one here wants to wait on us hand and foot and it is 31 Aussie dollars to the Thailand Bot. woooaaah! talk about cheap. It is extremely humid and tropical. This place looks like a perfect honeymoon paradise. More updates to follow soon. In the meantime, here is the resort we are staying at, Photos are from the web.
Feakin sweet.


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