Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day Five: Mud Crab Fishing

We went out to Crab Creek with some old tennis shoes and were ready to get down and dirty looking for crabs. When the tide gets really low, we are able to look for crabs inside the rock formations. We can only catch the really big ones and we caught 4 of them. It was a lot of fun to run around in the dirt and look for mud crabs.

The tide is really low here

Me searching for a crab

Mud from head to toe

Fishing for Salmon

Caught a shark instead. We caught and then had to release. Anything you hunt or catch has to be eaten or thrown back. It can not just be for leasure. 

another gorgeous beach

Doing some fishing

Me actually eating the Crab!

Out little camp we set up.

After crab fishing, we went back to cable beach and watched the sunset


Prettiest sunsets I will ever witness.

We went back to the Morgan's for the last time to hear some "Spirit" stories from Colin and one last night of sleep in our tents before we woke up in the morning to catch the flight back.

The whole family with Colin and Maria

Our favorite Australian

My father, Colin for the week.

This trip to Broome, I will remember for a lifetime. It is only one outsider's perspective of another culture and my take on this experience. Puts a whole new perspective and spin on terms such as culture and harsh words like racism. We are all human, sometimes all is needed is a conversation to understand differences and bridge some gaps. 


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