Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cloudy in Freo

Happy day after Case day.

Working on: A presentation for Natural Law tomorrow:
                   Does a Teleological conception of human nature make sense after Darwin?
Listening to: I believe I can Fly, R. Kelly/various music from the 90s
Mood: indifferent
I have a lot to work on this week. My presentation for tomorrow, my reflection paper on Broome, and one more paper on Language due Thursday. HW on top of all that. UGGH. No class friday and we leave on our RV trip Saturday! I will be out of comission next week, which means I will be traveling on Easter.
I did not take this photo, but thought it was appropriate for today. It is undercast, and haven't seen this weather the whole time I have been here so far. It rained for the first time since I have been here a few days ago--that was Bizarre.


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